Wednesday, 21 June 2017


The Benefits of Covert and Overt Armor for Close Protection Security

Rendering close protection services is a highly demanding job that requires operatives to execute a wide range of services for a broad range of clients. They are well trained to understand the importance and role of preparation, analyzing potential situations and taking proactive measures which ultimately make a huge difference. No close protection company can guarantee the safety of its client of it cannot first ensure the safety of its own members. There are numerous close protection services available, and the body armor would depend on the level and type of protection offered. The style of wear is also taken into consideration. Close protection companies carry out both covert and overt operations which have its armor and its own advantages and disadvantages.

Covert Armor

It refers to bullet and stab resistant vests which are worn underneath any clothing. These are often utilized for services like bodyguard protection where the specialist needs to remain close to the client and render services that would ensure their safety. This ranges from their mere presence to escorting them from location to location and might also cover driving. The covert armor here is highly crucial. They offer the benefit of being lightweight and flexible but still offering excellent protection. Some are even manufactured with temperature-regulating technologies so that the wearer can remain cool and draw moisture away from the skin. This goes a long way in helping the specialist do proper justice to his job.

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Choosing a Crowd Management and Security Company For Your Event

Today, events and crowd gathering functions are an increasing trend not only for corporate, business houses, celebrities but even on personal levels. Simultaneously, the high level of risk that any prominent person is exposed to today has made it imperative for him to avail of crowd management service not only for the event to go smoothly but also to avert any life threatening incident. The situation has inevitably led to the mushrooming of numerous crowd management companies which have led you to the daunting task of selecting the most appropriate one for yourself. The below-mentioned tips should come in handy.

• While we definitely agree that not all events require such services, but in scenarios which do call for it, you need to foremost decide on exactly what kind of services you need from the company and the role you expect its staff members to fulfill.

• Next, you must ensure that the company is well equipped to ensure health and safety of all the crowd members including children and women, those people who require special attention and care and the individuals who are working for the event including the stewards themselves.

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